6 techniques to remove negative energy – positive and loving energy brings happiness

6 techniques to abolish negative energy

negative energy can be everywhere and in everything. it’s up to us to find ways to fend off these fatiguing, depressing, draining emotions that others can infect us with. people can be fragile and volatile at the same time.


if you are one of the many people who turn to belief in dire times, regardless of whatever religion, if any religion at all, it can help in a very powerful way. it is your belief that restores happiness to your mind and body


going to the ocean, spreading your toes out in the sand, and gazing upon the vastness before you is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in pure happiness. walking along a beautiful pathway in a park is like having the world be your personal therapist. listening to birds or having waves crash can clear your head.

being grounded

there is a technique known as “grounding” and it means to simply focus on the sensation of your feet on the ground.


smudging sage is essentially letting the smoke purify your home, as well as yourself, of any negative energy that may be present. by burning sage all around your personal space, you create a sanctuary that is built only for positive and loving energies. the sage clears the home and you to allow positive energy in.


play spiritual music  dissipate unfavorable energy. this will help clear your mind, body and soul.

music is also great for clearing negative energy in a space, open up your windows and play spiritual music loud, this will help dissipate the energy.


getting yourself up and moving, sweating allows you to focus on yourself and sets you up for a day of structure and positivity. exercise gives us happy endorphin’s and brighten our day!

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